Monday, October 8, 2012

Semaine 17

Sunday ~  From 11:30 AM-1 PM, I put on my big girl leotard and braved Advanced Beginning Ballet taught by Walsh. Yeah. Seriously. Thank goodness Kelly came with me, because I would've been in tears after this class if I was on my own, because I was stru-guh-ling! As you may recall, I felt this way after walk-in week with Beginning Ballet for Non-Beginners at BalletNova back in June, so I'm optimistic this will get easier after a few classes. Barre work was fun and challenging, but we did ridiculous center and corner work. In 1.5 hours, boy can you smush in a bunch of ballet!

After all of my confusion, I just HAD to record a girl I met in class named Rebecca, who was sweet enough to walk through the {corner} exercises with me after class was over. I'll include the videos only because it'll help me in the future, but ... a warning, these were done in the hallway since yoga was starting in the studio we were in, so she sometimes ran out of space.

1) Glissade-jete-hop... glissade (opposite)-jete-hop.... plie to the front, assemble, repeat.

2) Balance-balance-tombe-pas de bourre-glissade-saut de chat-glissade-saut de chat. (saut de chat was a new term for me, so I was all sorts of lost)

3) tombe-pas de bourre-pirouette (leg back) x 3, soutenu, plie front, pique turn.

Overall, the exercises themselves weren't hard, it was just the first time we'd been exposed to them, and we went really fast... If I recorded Rebecca with all of the centerwork ONTOP of these corner exercises, I'd end up with like, 10 videos from one class. Kelly and I will keep at it and hopefully keep improving!

PS. There was a mean girl in Advanced who Kelly {kindly} asked to scoot down a tad to provide more space for her (this girl was hogging two barres to herself), and this girl sassy-like said "um... NO." --- Did she say "sorry, I can't" or "No. I'm really sorry, I need...." Nope. This girl took up TWO BARRES for herself. Who does that? This was disappointing.

image courtesy of Vihao Pham Photography

Monday ~ 6:15 PM BBFNB class was good and fun! The Sunday Advanced class really helped warm me up for Monday's class, since the exercises in BBFNB were reminiscent of Sunday's class. I spoke with Walsh in between barre and centrework and thanked her for her patience with me in Sunday's Advanced class, to which she responded, "No, you were great!" :) She encouraged me to keep coming to Advanced, telling me that I'll get so much from the class from the repetition in the advanced level.

So, Kelly and I decided (we think) to enroll in the Advanced Beginning Ballet class in the Spring and take BBFNB as our supplement class (or maybe a second Advanced class). If you've been following my blog, you'll remember that I wasn't even planning on the Advanced class until the Summer session!

Good week for ballet!

New Terminology: 
Saut de chat


  1. You're obviously new to Ballet. New students do not know Barre etiquette. It is rude to ask people to scoot down for you, no matter how you ask. It's like kicking them out of their spot with a smile, still rude! You need to go to wherever has enough space for you AND your leg extension. If there is no space left at the barre, you go find yourself a center bar. That "mean" girl's response indicates your friend is an idiot because people don't do that in advanced classes. Instead of saying "um... no, you are an idiot", she only said "um... no". So I'd say she's polite enough to not calling your friend an idiot out loud. There are a lot of ballet to learn besides the steps.

  2. Wow, avenueseventh, I think you are obviously new to tactful criticism. I find you to be one of those people who likes to bury people's noses in your correctness. #coolpersonalitybro. I don't know if you are an adult, but this isn't how adults behave in a directed adult class. You are also obviously new to reading, ass cheese. Take some time to understand that this person is completely new to ballet. It's nice that she gets a window into the sociopaths that gravitate to this art form. While it is beautiful to watch, newbies bear the cross of ridicule and condescension when learning how to navigate the nuances of this hobby. Please refer me to the handbook that tells me about etiquette and how to get around the jacknobs that are trying to ruin ballet for other people. I'd be happy to read it. Bigger question for you and your life, though. What gives you the right to be so horrible to someone that doesn't know any better? You must be a pleasure to be around, and I am sure your "friends" aren't using you for whatever reason and talk behind your back like the catty shrews so stereotypical of insecure women. Be a character, not a caricature; don't be a drag, be a queen.

    P.S. There IS a lot MORE ABOUT ballet to learn besides the steps. Step yo' grammar game up!
