Friday, October 12, 2012

Pointe and Shoot

I had a fun little photoshoot for my blog the other day with our wedding photographer (and friend) Sara Liu. She does fantastic work and these photos just captured such adorable doggie moments :) We were trying to incorporate the whole "From nursing clogs to pointe shoes" theme so that I could have a new fun banner for the page.

Thanks Sara!!!
(Visit Sara's photography page LeeLiu Photography to view her beautiful photos and even request her services!)

Adorable Mei-Linh (L) and Kona (R), my little pug supermodels :) 

You can find a barre just about anywhere!

I ADORE this one so much, but I wish Mei-Mei was in the picture too. She was left out of this one :( 
Sara said, "this picture has so much going on!" 
haha... pointe shoes, stethoscope, pug, me in the background in scrubs... <3 <3 <3 it!


Pugs, nursing, and pointe. What's not to love?! 
Poor Mei looks like she's got seasonal allergies and is about to sneeze

I think this is the one I might end up using for the blog banner. What do you think? 

...or this one, but my pointe is just so bad, so I hesitate posting this one on the banner. 

1 comment:

  1. The pics look great! Everyone looks cute too :). Just don't go all black swan on us, we saw that movie and it was freaky...
